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Remote employee productivity

Created by: July 29, 2020, 12:13 p.m.

There is a perception among employers that employees working from home devote too much time to their personal affairs and work less efficiently. In fact, according to statistics, remote workers are more serious and responsible approaches to work and their productivity are higher than that of office workers. In this article, we will look at methods and tools that will definitely help an employer increase the productivity of remote workers.


What are the criteria to determine that the productivity of remote workers is higher?

Remote employees are less likely to take time off from work. When switching to remote work, a subordinate will not be asked to leave work if for some reason he needs to stay at home that day. He can continue to perform the assigned tasks, for example, waiting for the master or the delivery service.


A remote worker has no office distractions. In fact, many employees find it easier to concentrate when they are alone. In the office, workers can be distracted by background noise, communication of colleagues, and hustle and bustle.


What do employees value in being able to work remotely?

The positive productivity of employees is influenced by the fact that the conditions of remote work are more comfortable for them. Basically, employees note:

• flexible working hours;

• the ability to work outside the home;

• no time wasted on the way from home to office and back;

• the opportunity to spend more time with the family.


What methods can help improve the productivity of remote workers?

Keep remote workers up to date.

First of all, in order to increase the productivity of remote employees, you need to inform them about everything that is happening in the company. In the absence of new information, the teleworker can lose contact with the team and drop out of the workflow.


Providing employees with everything they need to work from home.

If the company has decided to move to remote work, then the employer needs to provide their subordinates with the necessary resources to work from home. The productivity of remote workers will increase markedly if they have a modern computer and devices for work. So he will be able to perform the assigned tasks faster and better.


Create and maintain communication between remote employees.

Office workers are used to discussing tasks with their colleagues, sharing ideas, and giving their opinions to each other in person. Therefore, when switching to telecommuting, the company must implement programs and tools to ensure the uninterrupted communication of employees. Remote employees will be more productive if they stay connected with their peers and management.


What programs will help improve the productivity of remote workers?


Telegram is one of the most popular instant messengers that will help carry out communication between remote employees. Telegram enables users to make online calls and exchange messages in the chat. Collaborate quickly and easily to improve productivity for remote workers.



Trello is a task scheduler. Using this service, you can set tasks for employees and track their progress, thereby increasing the productivity of remote employees. Trello is one of the simplest project management tools, its implementation in the company's activities will not cause difficulties. The entire application interface is built on the basis of kanban boards. Tasks are broken down into: planned, ongoing, and completed.



Clockify is an employee time tracking software. This service is a time tracker that will help a company track employees' working hours, as well as find out how much time employees spend on different projects. Time tracking can help discipline subordinates and increase the productivity of remote workers. is a software for online monitoring of employee screens. By introducing this service into its activities, the company will be able to visually see how the tasks are being performed. In addition, has the following features useful for the productivity of remote employees:

• making calls to both one and a group of users;

• interaction in chat;

• file storage, providing fast file exchange between employees.


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