- Remote virtual team

Special tool for organize your company remotely.

Time tracker

post-image service gives you the ability to monitor employee time. The application has integration with the Clockify time management service. The user who configured this integration will turn on the time tracker during the beginning of the working day and turn it off when it is completed, and all tasks that will be performed will be displayed there. Employee time control includes:

Clockify Integration

The integration of with the Clockify service will give you the opportunity to control the start and end times of employees. In addition, it will be possible to track the breaks and rest time of subordinates. All tasks performed by the employee during the working day will also be displayed in this tracker, which will let you know how much time was spent on each task.

Screen monitoring

Online screen monitoring will allow you to track employee actions during business hours. The head will be able to see what kind of task the subordinate is engaged in, and also help him more quickly in resolving issues that may arise during the task.

Jira and Trello Integration

Integration of with Jira and Trello services will enable you to visually monitor the implementation of tasks. Often, when performing tasks, employees have questions and they turn to the head. To solve them more quickly, you can use the employee screen.

Group reports

Group reports are available to all users. With their help, you can see what tasks employees are currently performing and how much time they have already spent on current tasks.

Time tracker plans

Choose the best plan for your company.

  • Time tracker
  • Time tracker

  • 8 * /


    • Projects
    • Clockify integration
    • Realtime reports
    • Notifications
    • Custom tasks
    • Telegram Bot
    • 30 days free trial, cancel any time

* - price per month

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