- Remote virtual team

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Recording video instructions


With the help of video instructions, you can explain the basic rules of work to employees. Also, using this function, you can train new employees in duties and new programs. Another function is to record video instructions for customers. This can be useful when using a company website or installing your product by customers.


The rules for recording a good video instruction:

Prepare a preliminary outline of the instructional video so you know what to talk about.

At the time of recording, use the preliminary plan, but use your own words. This way you will not depend on the text and can be available.

Be concise and speak without too much water.

For a better understanding, support what has been said with examples. presents a solution for recording video instructions without installing additional software. The recording starts right through the browser. The finished recording can be downloaded or saved on the server.


Functions of recording video instructions with


→ recording instructions through a browser;

→ clear recording of what is happening on the screen when recording;

→ support for sound when recording instructions;

→ saving video in several formats (mp4, webm).

To record video instructions using, you need to connect the following tariffs:

Record video from desktop

Cloud storage


You need to activate the Record video from desktop tariff to start recording video instructions.


Tariff Cloud storage is required to implement the ability to save recorded video instructions in a secure storage on

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