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Remote work after coronavirus

Created by: Sept. 24, 2020, 5:09 a.m.

After the introduction of quarantine and the transition to remote work, an increasing number of executives are thinking about staying at remote work after the coronavirus. Special tools designed to monitor the work of employees can contribute to productive work at a distance.


The forced measure of transferring employees to teleworking mode for many companies has become a turning point and the prospect of staying in remote work after the coronavirus. Despite the scale of the spread of the virus, it is worth noting that he taught employers to adapt to more flexible working hours in the shortest possible time.


Why are employers unwilling to stay in remote work after coronavirus?


Remote work after the coronavirus will undoubtedly remain in many companies. If not on a full basis, then in part: workers will be given the right to do work from home several times a week or month. Some companies are really afraid of a complete transition to remote mode and it is associated with the following reasons:


 Reason 1 - Decreased employee productivity

The fear that employees working from home might have a decline in productivity is not unfounded. At home, workers have many distractions: other family members, a relaxed atmosphere, and no dedicated workspace.

In fact, a responsible employee will fulfill the assigned tasks in any conditions, and an irresponsible employee will find a way not to work even in the office. In addition, to monitor the activities of employees in the workplace when working remotely after the coronavirus, it is possible by introducing the tool for managing remote employees


Solution: offers companies that prefer to stay at remote work after the coronavirus to use the online employee monitoring function. In this case, the employer will be able to see what is happening on the employee's screen: what sites he uses, what tasks he is working on, and how long he is on break. More information about online monitoring can be found here.


Reason 2 - Lack of control over the execution of tasks


In the age of modern technology, the lack of control over the execution of tasks at remote work after the coronavirus seems to be an insignificant problem, since many project management programs have been created, such as Jira and Trello. In fact, many companies worry that it is impossible to control the process of completing tasks and the amount of time spent by employees on remote work.


Solution: You can assign tasks to employees and monitor their implementation using You can see what task the employee is currently performing right on his screen. In addition, the service is capable of showing the total time spent on each task. More information about the task manager can be found here.


Reason 3 - Difficulty tracking employees' working hours


Another reason for refusing to work remotely after the coronavirus is the difficulty of recording the working hours of subordinates. Being on a telecommuter, the employer does not see exactly when the employee starts to perform tasks, when and for how long he takes breaks, and also at what time he ends the working day. Time tracking can be done through using Clockify.


Solution: will allow companies to keep track of employees' working hours, as well as control the time for completing tasks. The time tracker is built right into the service, which makes it easy to use. In addition, has reports that display the employee's working time, as well as the total time for the task that he is performing. More detailed information on monitoring employees' working time in remote work conditions after quarantine is available here.


Reason 4 - Difficulty communication of remote employees


In a remote work environment after the coronavirus, one of the most important problems is the complexity of the interaction of remote workers. Many employers believe that in face-to-face communication, it is easier for employees to discuss work issues, as well as resolve urgent issues. However, there are now many ways to communicate remotely, which are in no way inferior to personal interaction on work issues.


Solution: Communication of teleworkers in remote work conditions after coronavirus can be carried out using The service provides such types of communications as making group and individual calls to employees, leaving messages in a chat, sharing files, and creating virtual rooms. You can get acquainted with the methods of virtual communication of remote employees through here.


As you can see from the article, is a tool that can ensure a well-coordinated and productive remote work of a company after the coronavirus. The extensive functions of the service will enable the employer not only to track the employee's working day, monitor the fulfillment of tasks assigned to him and monitor his screen, but also allow recording the screen, storing files on its own secure service, as well as ensuring smooth communication between employees.


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